Therapy Resources
We are a collective of board certified music therapists and therapeutic recreation specialists in the Rio Grande Valley.
We love what we do and we’re excited to share our therapy journey with you!
Follow along for community wellness, music therapy resources, and advocacy! 🎶
Episode 09: Music and Trauma Informed Care (with Lindsy Burns, MMT, MT-BC, CCTS-I)
In this episode of Musical Mindspace, we dive into the powerful intersection of music and trauma-informed care. Music has long been recognized as a tool for healing, but how can we use it responsibly and effectively within a trauma-informed framework? Tune into our conversation with Linsdy Burns - a certified trauma specialist, music therapist, MARI practitioner and clinical counselor - as she shares insights on how music can support emotional regulation, build resilience, and promote healing in individuals who have experienced trauma. We explore the principles of trauma-informed care, discuss practical ways to incorporate music into therapeutic settings, and hear stories of how sound and rhythm can create safe spaces for healing.
Songs for Hanukkah in Spanish/Canciones para Januca
In this blog post, we will share a selection of Hanukkah songs in Spanish that can be incorporated into music therapy sessions.
10 Advanced Trainings for Music Therapists
Music therapists are board certified clinicians; however, we can get certifications or designations to specific areas of music therapy in addition to the MT-BC (music therapist-board certified) credential. Here are 10 advanced trainings that are available for music therapists!
Episode 08: A Music-Centered Perspective (with Kenneth Aigen, Phd, MT-BC)
In this episode, we will delve into the world of music therapy with Dr. Kenneth Aigen who takes us on a journey through his innovative approach to music therapy, known as music-centered music therapy. Join the conversation as he sheds light on how this unique method can benefit individuals in profound ways. He also shares his experiences working within the Nordoff-Robbins model of music therapy, offering insights into the transformative power of music in therapeutic settings. Through his personal anecdotes and clinical encounters, we will gain a deeper understanding of the healing potential of music and its ability to connect us on emotional, cognitive, and transcendental levels.
Episode 07: The Psychology of Music Elements (with Michael Zanders, Phd, MT-BC, LPC)
Join us for an insightful podcast episode featuring Dr. Michael Zanders, where we delve into the fascinating realm of music psychotherapy. We'll explore the psychological significance of various musical elements (meter, tempo, melody, harmony, etc.), how they can be utilized in the context of music therapy, and how they can mirror different aspects of our psyche. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of music and mental health.
Adaptive Guitar Resources for Music Therapy
Music is for everyone. As music therapists, we are always looking for more ways to make music experiences more inclusive. This post will share resources and links to answer all of these questions in efforts to make guitar playing accessible for anyone who wants to learn.
3 Music Therapy Goal Examples for Song Discussion/Lyric Analysis Interventions
Song discussion and lyric analysis interventions are common in music therapy and can provide a variety of benefits throughout the treatment process. These are some example music therapy goals for lyric analysis or song discussion interventions that you can use in your own MT practice.
20+ Halloween Song Ideas for Music Therapy Sessions
With Halloween just around the corner, it's the perfect time to delve into the mysterious and haunting world of Halloween-themed songs! From spine-tingling classics to contemporary hits, we have compiled a list of 20+ spooky songs for your session planning inspiration.
My Spooky Halloween Playlist Printable for Music Therapy (FREEBIE)
We’re are thrilled to offer a new free printable resource for all those who seek to add a touch of Halloween magic to their music therapy interventions. Introducing "My Spooky Halloween Playlist," a comprehensive and engaging tool designed to enhance the therapeutic experience with a ghoulish twist. This free printable is a resource for music therapists looking to create a fun and thematic music therapy session during the Halloween season.
Episode 06: Music and Imagery (with Nicki Cohen, Phd, MT-BC)
In this episode, we explore the intriguing realm of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) with Dr. Nicki Cohen. As an expert GIM practitioner and trainer, Dr. Cohen delves into the ways in which music and imagery can combine to unlock insights from our subconscious mind. She also shares her firsthand experiences training under the guidance of Helen Bonny and her personal, archetypical experiences as a GIM traveler. Tune in to discover the power of imagery and the many ways it can facilitate healing through musical experiences.
Episode 05: The Musical Grey Area (with Allyson Rogers, MMT, MT-BC)
In this episode, we explore the world of neutral music - music that doesn't necessarily make you feel happy or sad but rather falls somewhere in between. We'll discuss the importance of this type of music and how it can provide a sense of comfort and support during uncertain times. Join our guest Allyson Rogers, MMT, MT-BC and dive into the conversation about why this type of music can be effective in regulating our emotions. Tune in to "The Musical Grey Area" and discover the power of neutral music through playlist creation, musical genres, research, Dorian mode, and our personal experiences as music therapists in private practice.
Episode 04: Coping with Musical Burnout (with Omar Oyoque)
In this episode, we explore the topic of musical burnout, a very common experience among individuals in music careers. This episode features Omar Oyoque, a professional touring musician and music therapy student. Join us as we discuss what musical burnout is, the symptoms of it, and share tips on how to cope with it. Whether you're a professional musician or a hobbyist, this episode is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed or exhausted by the demands of making music. Tune in to learn more about coping with musical burnout and taking care of your mental health as a musician.
5 Example Music Therapy Goals for Making Song Selections
Music therapists seeking reimbursement or insurance coverage are often required to provide goals that are measurable for treatment approval. Making song selections is an important way to incorporate a client’s preferred music and it can also be an opportunity to target non-musical goals that are important for a client’s overall well-being. Making song selections is an important part of the music therapy process, as using preferred songs can empower the client, increase a client’s connection to the provided interventions, and increase opportunities for song discussion.
Episode 03: Music and Social Health (with Heather Mock, MMT, MT-BC)
In this episode, we explore the incredible relationship between music and social health. Today's guest, Heather Mock, shares insights from her thesis on the topic and explains how resource-oriented music therapy can help improve our social connections. We discuss the many ways in which music brings people together and enhances our ability to form relationships. From the role of music in society to the use of music in therapy, we discuss the social benefits of music in depth. Tune in to learn more about the power of music to improve our social lives and overall well-being.
Episode 02: Our Musical Brain
In the second episode, "Our Musical Brain," we delve into the fascinating topic of how the brain processes music. From the rhythms and melodies that we hear to the emotions that we feel, music has a profound impact on our brains. We explore the neurology behind this experience and provide an introduction to parts of the brain that are activated by making or listening to music.
5 Example Music Therapy Goals for Playing Guitar
Learning how to play an instrument, such as the guitar, transferred into their every day life by providing a meaningful way to target general range of motion, motor planning skills, fine motor skills, bilateral coordination and more! Music therapists seeking reimbursement or insurance coverage are often required to provide goals that are measureable for treatment approval. These are some example goals that be individualized to your client’s needs in music therapy, specifically when create goals in private practice.
Episode 01: You Are What You Listen To
Welcome to the first episode of "You Are What You Listen To!" In this episode, we'll explore the fascinating topic of musical preferences. Why do we like the music we like? What does it say about us and our life experiences? We'll delve into some theories surrounding our musical preferences and influences, and discuss how music can mirror our selves in many ways. Join us as we explore the deep connections between music, personality, and identity in this exciting debut episode.
12 Resources for Cultural Competency in Music Therapy
Music has the power to transcend cultural boundaries and connect people from all walks of life. Having access to multicultural resources is important for developing cultural competency as music therapists. In this blog, we have curated a list of valuable resources for multicultural music therapy. These resources include books and articles that explore diverse musical traditions, address cultural competency in therapy sessions, and offer practical strategies for incorporating multicultural approaches into our practice.
5 Ways to Use Dice Games in Music Therapy
Using games in music therapy can be a fun way to increase participation in sessions. From rapport building to decision making skills, there are so many goals that musical games can address. In the last few weeks, I’ve found that my clients have really enjoyed incorporating games, specifically dice games, in our sessions so I’ve spent some time over the last month creating new activities for them to enjoy.
Summer-Themed Songwriting Prompts for Music Therapy Sessions
Looking for a fun way to incorporate songwriting into your music therapy session? Let’s try an interactive game! This reel gives clients the opportunity to select from 9 different songwriting prompts.