The first center for music therapy in the Rio Grande Valley
Our Story.
My love for music started at a very early age. Music was always present in our home and it was deeply connected to many of my childhood memories. As a drummer, my dad has always been very active in music throughout my life. He played in bands around the RGV, shared his favorite records with my brother and I, and gave us musical opportunities. He signed me up for piano lessons in an after school program when I was in the second grade and drove me to pick out my first viola when I was old enough to play in the school orchestra.
Growing up, I always imagined myself pursuing a profession in healthcare. With a strong work ethic, my mom worked her way up in the hospital and showed us how to care for our community. I watched her pioneer healthcare programs across the RGV and complete graduate studies in healthcare administration.
When I was in high school, my dad came across a 60 minutes episode telling the story of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her recovery from a tragic shooting. At the time, I knew I wanted to study something related to healthcare, but I also knew that I loved music and wanted to continue playing on some level. One of the treatments they highlighted was music therapy and everything came together for me.
Since then, I’ve completed a Bachelor’s degree in music therapy from Texas Woman’s University, a Master’s degree in health science with an emphasis on healthcare administration from the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley, specialized training in neurologic music therapy, and ongoing graduate studies at Temple University. I started RGV Music Therapy in 2017 after obtaining board certification in music therapy from the Certification Board of Music Therapists. I knew I wanted to work and lay down my roots in my home community, but starting a program was the only professional opportunity available. We became the first and only center in the RGV that specialized in music therapy and have quickly grown to a collective of clinicians that offer recreational therapy, music therapy internships, recreational therapy internships, professional supervision, music therapy practicum fieldworks, and community wellness programs.
Many of the therapists on our team are either RGV natives or have family members who live in the 956. We are passionate about making expressive arts therapies accessible in South Texas and are dedicated to culture-centered therapy that honors the lived experiences and culture of our vibrant community.
We hope to continue sharing our passion for music and health in the years to come, and we deeply appreciate all of the support we have received on our journey.
- Marisa de Leon, MS, MT-BC, TRS/TXC