RGV Music Therapy
in the Media
Take 5 - KRGV
We got a segment on Take 5! Their news crew came to visit our center here in Mercedes, Texas to share more about our program with the community.
Watch the full segment on YouTube here.
Valley Business Report
Our program was featured in the Valley Business Report on an article titled “Changing Lives with Music” to highlight the we’ve done to build a new music therapy program here in South Texas.
Click the link attached to the logo to full the view article.
Buddhaful Music Podcast
Marisa was invited as a guest on the Buddhaful Music Podcast to speak about her experiences working as a music therapy in South Texas. Click the embedded link to access the full episode on Spotify
De Shopping en Texas
De Shopping en Texas featured our Walk and Roll for Music Therapy advocacy event in their publication. The event was hosted in efforts to raise awareness for music therapy in the Rio Grande Valley and was hosted in collaboration with Rio Grande Valley Premium Outlets.
Click the link on the logo to view the full article.
The Aurora House Foundation Newsletter
Our music therapy internship program was featured on the Aurora House Foundation Newsletter to highlight our collaboration and advocate for music therapy at the end of life.
Our music therapy interns visit the Aurora House twice a week as part of their clinical training and are trained to help clients in hospice care improve their quality of life, increase coping skills, and provide symptom management for their related health conditions.
The Song Chaser Podcast
Marisa was interviewed by Angel Corsi as part of the Song Chaser podcast which featured a series of conversations for singer-songwriters.
Click the Spotify link to access and listen to the full episode.