Fall-Themed Spanish Songs for Music Therapy Sessions (with links)
We love fall-themed music! Even though we don't get to experience the fall weather as much down here in South Texas, our clients still enjoy singing and listening to songs about Otoño (Autumn).
Here is a list of our favorite songs for Autumn in Spanish that can be used in music therapy sessions:
Colores de Otoño by Alina Celeste
Otoño by Flor Bromley
Bienvenidas las Hojitas by Bele
Canción del Otoño by Manuel Soler Tenorio and Irene de las Heras
Otoño Llegó Marrón y Amarillo
Hojas, Hojas
Llegó el Otoño - Andrés Meseguer
Es el Otoño
Hojita Otoñal
Share your favorites in the comments!
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