5 Example Music Therapy Goals for Making Song Selections

Music therapists seeking reimbursement or insurance coverage are often required to provide goals that are measurable for treatment approval.

Making song selections is an important way to incorporate a client’s preferred music and it can also be an opportunity to target non-musical goals that are important for a client’s overall well-being.

Making song selections is an important part of the music therapy process, as using preferred songs can empower the client, increase a client’s connection to the provided interventions, and increase opportunities for song discussion.

Some therapeutic reasons for making song selections could include:

  • Self expression

  • Communication

  • Emotional expression

  • Autonomy

  • Independence

Note: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. Music therapy goals are implemented by music therapists who are board certified clinicians with a current credential (MT-BC, RMT, etc.).

Music Therapy Goals for Making Song Selections

These are some example goals that be individualized to your client’s needs in music therapy, specifically when create goals in private practice:

Goal: To increase decision making skills

Objective: Client will select a desired song using augmentative symbol or device in 3 out of 5 opportunities with no more than 2 prompts by the end of the session.

Goal: To increase autonomy/independence

Objective: Client will verbally identify a preferred song in 4 out of 5 opportunities when provided with two choices by the end of the quarter.

Goal: To increase self expression

Objective: Client will express their musical preference by selecting “yes” or no” on a visual aid in 75% of opportunities within 6 months.

Goal: To increase emotional awareness

Objective: Client will verbally identify an emotion to describe a musical selection in 2 out of 3 opportunities by the end of the session.

Goal: To increase communication of emotions

or to increase emotional expression

Objective: Given a PECS feelings card with a specific emotion, client will identify a song to match the emotion listed on the feelings card in 3 out of 3 opportunities by the end of the quarter.

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Episode 04: Coping with Musical Burnout (with Omar Oyoque)


Episode 03: Music and Social Health (with Heather Mock, MMT, MT-BC)